How to write a CV Employers will notice

How to write a CV Employers will notice

Understanding Employer Expectations

Creating a CV that stands out to potential employers is crucial in today’s competitive job market. Your CV often serves as your first impression, and its purpose is to quickly showcase your qualifications, skills, and experience. Recruiters and hiring managers look for clear, concise, and relevant information that aligns with the job description. Here’s how to craft a CV that gets noticed.

Crafting a Strong Personal Statement

Your CV should begin with a compelling personal statement. This short section, typically 3-4 sentences, should summarise your career goals, key strengths, and what you can bring to the role. Tailor your personal statement to each job application to demonstrate your interest and suitability for the specific position. A well-crafted personal statement can grab the employer’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your CV.

Highlighting Relevant Skills

Employers scan CVs for specific skills that match their job requirements. Carefully read job descriptions and identify the key skills and experiences they seek. Highlight these prominently in your CV, providing specific examples of how you’ve applied these skills in previous roles. This not only shows that you meet the job requirements but also that you understand what the employer is looking for.

Detailing Professional Experience

Your work experience section should be detailed and structured in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Use bullet points to list your responsibilities and achievements, starting each with a strong action verb. Focus on accomplishments rather than just duties, and whenever possible, quantify your success with specific numbers. For example, instead of saying “Managed a team,” you could say “Led a team of 10, increasing project efficiency by 20%.”

Structuring the Education Section

In the education section, list your degrees and relevant certifications in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, the degree obtained, and the dates attended. If you have multiple degrees or certifications, start with the highest level of education. This section should be concise but comprehensive enough to demonstrate your academic background and relevant qualifications.

Showcasing Key Skills

The skills section of your CV should highlight both hard and soft skills relevant to the job. Hard skills, such as proficiency in software or technical expertise, are often job-specific, while soft skills, like communication and organisation, are more universal. Be specific about your skill levels, and focus on those that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Formatting and Presentation

A well-formatted CV is easy to read and professional. Use a simple layout with clear headings, consistent font types and sizes, and bullet points to break up text. Standard fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Georgia in 10-12 point size are recommended. Keep your CV to a maximum of two pages (if possible) to ensure it remains concise and focused on your most relevant qualifications and experiences.

Proofreading and Final Checks

Before sending your CV, meticulously proofread it to eliminate any typos, grammatical errors, or formatting inconsistencies. Reading it from bottom to top can help you spot mistakes more easily. Additionally, ask a friend or family member to review your CV, as they might catch errors you’ve missed. A polished, error-free CV reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.


By following these guidelines, you can create a CV that not only highlights your qualifications and experience but also aligns with what employers are looking for. A well-crafted CV can significantly increase your chances of catching a recruiter’s eye and securing job opportunities.

HCP’s CV Service is fantastic! They transformed my outdated CV into a professional, eye-catching document that truly highlights my skills and experience. The process was quick and seamless, and I received multiple interview invitations shortly after submitting my new CV. I highly recommend their service to anyone looking to stand out to employers!

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